Wessex Motor Club PC10 - Finals

Wessex Motor Club Plotter's Cup Round 10
Final Instructions

Thursday 20th March 2003

This is a navigational scatter event, run in accordance with the General Regulations of the RAC MSA Ltd (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA).

Permit number 17248 has been granted.

This is not a speed event.

All marshal car parks, including the finish, are the be entered at less than 10mph. Penalty for infringement is exclusion.

Quiet Zones: All built up or speed-limited areas are to be regarded as quiet zones, and are to be driven in the highest possible gear with the minimum disturbance to residents and other road users. In addition, the following areas should be regarded as quiet zones which may be monitored by marshals during the event.

  • 6032S½,6031N½,6131N½ Bishop's Sutton

Black Spots: You may not enter the following areas on pain of exclusion. These black spots will be marshalled periodically.

  • 6345,6445: Ellisfield
  • 300m radius around 4Y in 6231: Manor House Farm

Start: 1915 hours, car park at 529½ 363

Finish: The finish control will be at the entrance to the car park of The Ship, Bishop's Sutton (606 319½). The finish will open at 2200 and close at 2230. Any crew not handing in their answer sheet by 2230 and 59 seconds will be deemed to have retired. In case of dire emergency, or if you are unable to finish, contact Olly Smith by telephone on 07968 581413.

Timing: Timing will be by the marshal's watch, set to BBC time. Times will be recorded to the preceeding whole minute. It is the competitors' responsibility to ensure that their watches are synchronised to official time at the start.

Control Marshals: 10 points and clues for more route checks are available to crews visiting each control marshal, also a 5-point bonus question will be given to crews visiting CMB.

  • CMA: Location 708 418, open 2000-2015
  • CMB: Location 730½ 479½, open 2100-2115

Route Checks: All route checks will be on or adjacent to 'yellow' roads. You may visit whichever route checks you choose, in any order; the numbering scheme does not imply a route. All route checks will be away from occupied dwellings. For the purpose of solving route check clues, all 'white' roads should be ignored, unless the clue clearly indicates otherwise. No through roads and roads which go off the edge of the maps are not included in the navigation. Dual carriageways are regarded as two parallel roads. Some clues follow a route, but this is only for the purpose of indicating the location of the route check, it is not intended that competitors should attempt to follow the route. Since this is a re-run of an event set a few years ago, some route checks will no longer be valid. At points where route checks have gone missing, codeboards will be placed - put the letter on the codeboard in the box on your answer sheet.

Acknowledgements: Thanks to Steve Barnard and Gordon & the hat for originally setting this event in 1999, and allowing me to re-run it.

and above all, have fun!