Wessex Motor Club PC9 - Finals


7 March 2023


This is a 12 car navigational rally, run under the General Regulations of the MSA (incorporating the provisions of the international sporting code of the FIA). Permit number 10386 has been granted.

Navigation Envelopes

You have 16 sealed envelopes containing all of the navigation for the route. Each envelope is labelled with a Time Control number. Failure to show the marshal the unopened envelope when booking in will result in a penalty (see below). The navigation for each control gives the grid reference of that control.

Time Cards

For each Time Control the time card gives:
  1. The time allowed for the section which ends at that control.
  2. Your scheduled time at that control (hour and minutes).
  3. The maximum amount of free make up on that section.
  4. A block of thirty numbers representing minutes when you could book in at that control. The marshal will circle the appropriate time here (or in (2) if you are on schedule).
  5. Boxes for the marshal's signature (or codeboard if the TC is not manned), and ticks for unopened envelope and correct approach.
Between the controls is space for you to note, in order, the codeboards which you pass on the section.

Some Time Controls may not be manned. In such a case, a codeboard will be placed at the TC location. Note the codeboard in the signature box for the appropriate TC then open the envelope for that TC to obtain the navigation for the next section. If you arrive at an unmanned TC before your scheduled time (as shown in the box on your time card), you should wait for your scheduled time before you open the envelope (in case the marshal turns up at the last minute). No times will be attributed to unmanned controls. (Don't forget that it is not unheard of for codeboards to disappear, so don't be too downhearted if you arrive at an unmanned TC which does not have a codeboard.)


You need maps 185D, 186C, and 196D.

Start Location

The start is the small car park at 598.5 227.5 . Please park so as not to block in other competitors.

Finish Pub

After finishing, competitors will proceed quietly direct to the Milburys (reference 570 246). The landlord has promised that all competitors who make the Finish control within their maximum lateness will be served drinks when they arrive, even if they are a bit after 11.

Phone Numbers

If you are unable to finish, or in other emergency, phone Paul Lettington on 07801 066275 (mobile, leave voicemail message if no reply), or ring the finish pub on (01962) 771248 after 2230 and ask to speak to someone from the Wessex Motor Club.

Maximum Lateness

Maximum Lateness at any time control is 30 minutes; ie the latest you can book into a control is 30 minutes after the time you were scheduled to arrive there. Arriving at a control (other than the finish) after Maximum Lateness (i.e. OTL) will be considered as missing that control. Any crew arriving at the finish beyond their OTL will be deemed to have retired.


Timing will be to the preceding whole minute. Marshals' watches will be synchronised to BBC time.


Missing a codeboard (other than unmanned TC) 1 Fail
Noting a wrong codeboard 1 Fail
Missing a manned TC (or arriving after your maximum lateness) 3 Fails
Missing an unmanned TC 3 Fails
Wrong approach to a manned TC 1 Fail
Open envelope at a manned TC 1 Fail
Failing to stop at a Give Way 1 Fail, exclusion for second offence
Breaching a Quiet Zone 1 Fail, exclusion for second offence
Entering a Blackspot Exclusion
Exceeding maximum make up on a section 1 Fail for first offence, 5 Fails for each subsequent offence
Booking in after due time 1 Mark per minute

Your due time at a control is the time you would arrive if you had completed the section in exactly the time allowed for that section. You may, without penalty, book in earlier than your due time by an amount up to the maximum make-up for that section, except that you may not book in before your scheduled time.

Maximum make-up:

If, for example, the time allowed for a section is 16 minutes, and maximum make up is 4 minutes (as stated on the timecard), then you can take 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 minutes to complete the section, without penalty. If you take over 16 minutes, you are award one Mark for each extra minute you take. If you book into the end of the section less than 12 minutes after you started it, you will have exceeded maximum make , and a penalty will be applied. This penalty will be 1 Fail the first time you do it, and 5 Fails each subsequent time.

If you miss a TC entirely, you can make up any amount of time at the TC after that, without penalty, up to your scheduled time.

Results will be decided on least number of fails. Ties will be broken on least number of marks. Remaining unbroken ties will stand. Results will be announced at the finish pub as soon as possible.


Where the navigation gives a choice, take the shortest route.
Control Locations
Some of the navigation slips do not explicitly state the location of the control at the end of the section. The location of the control will become clear when you solve the navigation. If you can't solve the navigation, then you'll have to open the next envelope (1 fail) to find the control location.
No Through Roads
For the purposes of solving navigation, ignore 'No Through' roads. Roads which go off the edge of a map are taken to be 'No Through' roads, unless of course they cross onto another event map. Dual carriageways are regarded as two parallel roads. Assume all marked gates are open.
Remember that a crossroads can be used twice, for opposed left turns, but that the route will never cross itself, nor use the same road twice.
The following abbreviations and symbols are used in the navigation:
Coloured Roads Only. Ignore 'white' roads for plotting and driving this section.
Might Use Whites. The navigation includes white roads. The route itself may or may not use them.
Give Way. See below.
Delta Junctions
Some junctions on minor roads ('delta junctions') have a central grass triangle which is not shown on the map; it's common practice in fixed route events like this one to ask you to go 'the long way round' some of these. This is done (a) to make sure you're paying attention, and (b) to use up a little time. Going 'the long way round' means that you go round two sides of the delta, to get to the road you want. You are likely to need to give way at some point as you do so. Normally, there will be a codeboard on a 'long way round' delta that will only be visible if you do go the 'long way round', so look out for this. Junctions at which you need to go the long way round a delta will be indicated in the navigation. Make sure you mark them on your map. There are two popular ways of marking them, both in the navigation and on the map; one way is much quicker and simpler, the other is easier to see on the map when you're following the route. Both are shown below, and either might be used in the navigation.
Shown in the navigation adjacent to a junction, means that junction has a central grass triangle delta), and you should go the long way round that delta. You will need to give way as you do so. The same symbol crossed through means you should not go the long way round the delta.
stands for Long Way Round Not-As-Map delta (in other words, the delta is one that's not shown on the map).
is used to indicate that you should ensure that you go the Short Way Round.

Give Ways

You MUST STOP at all give ways before, and within 10 feet of, the give way line. Give ways are defined to be junctions where the route joins a more major road (order of priority is Blue, Red, Brown, Wide Yellow, Narrow Yellow, White). At T junctions comprising three roads having equal priority in the list above, the 'leg' of the T-junction may be assumed to give way. You can also expect to have to give way on 'long way round' deltas. Other give ways will be given in the navigation thus: GW. The requirement to stop is relaxed at roundabouts, where you need only comply with the Road Traffic Act. A selection of give ways will be marshalled.

Quiet Zones

No auxiliary lights, minimum noise in all built-up or speed limited areas, and:
  1. 565.5 194.5 300m radius (Dean)
  2. 6223 S half (Warnford)
  3. 662 205.5 300m radius (Coombe)
  4. 677 191 500m radius
  5. 681 221 500m radius and 677 219 300m radius (East Meon)
  6. 6015 SE quarter, 6115 SW quarter, 6014 NE quarter, 6114 NW quarter (Taplands)
  7. 712.5 266 300m radius (High Cross)
  8. 746 291 300m radius (Hawkley)


  1. 5521 NW quarter (Ower Farm)
  2. 6517 E half (Chidden)
  3. 6827 S half (Farnfield Farm) - on maps 185 and 186
  4. 7029 N half (Field Farm)
  5. 704 255 300m radius (Froxfield Green)
  6. 7427 whole square (Oakshott)
  7. 7532 SE quarter, 7632 S half (Bradshott Hall)


Codeboards will consist of a single black letter on a white board, placed to be clearly visible to a crew on route. Write the letter down in the NEXT box on your time card. A sample codeboard will be on display at the start.

Special Codeboards

There will be a Control board on the approach to each control.
A codeboard with ! on it is a warning to you of some unexpected hazard.
Marks the start of any extra Quiet Zone imposed on the route.
Marks the end of such a Quiet Zone.
Dipped headlights for the next few hundred yards, usually to avoid them shining straight into an occupied dwelling.
Do not pass this board. You are going off route, and may not cut route this way.
You are on the correct route. Used when reality doesn't seem to agree very well with the map.
You do not need to note down these special boards.


The event will run in two classes (championship and non championship). Circumstances permitting, the two classes might follow slightly different routes on occasion: so don't be alarmed if the car in front goes a different way to you. Championship crews may elect to receive the 'non-championship' navigation if they want more of a challenge, but are reminded that this might lead to a poorer result.

Other competitors

If a faster competitor catches you up on a section, let them through as soon as safely possible. If you catch up another competitor, be patient while they find somewhere to pull in to let you through.


  1. 558.75 192.75 Often flooded on bend, but not usually very deep.
  2. 578.5 177.25 Sometimes shallow flood
  3. 653.25 277.75 Unmarked sharp bends and steep hill by farm
  4. 675.5 191.5 Bends sharper than map shows
  5. 675.75 314 Double bends by buildings are MUCH sharper than map shows
  6. 7125 Yellow in Southern half of square is potholed and often very muddy and slippery
  7. 726 292 Sharp crest into sudden give-way, Eastbound
  8. 624 143.25 Square right-left by farm not shown on map.
  9. 641.25 145 The narrow yellow passes between big brick gateposts; from the B road, it looks like a private entrance.