Wessex Motor Club PC7
The third 12 car of the season, set on 185D1 and 186C2 is on 5th February. We're hoping for a full entry and to help this we've reduced the number of tc's so we need less marshals, have longer sections, and can have slightly harder nav. The start is in the car park at 529.5 362.75. Car 0 will leave at 19:30 and signing on will commence at 18:30. Entries close next Wednesday (Feb 4th) at 18:00. A seeded entry list will be emailed out after this time.
So, if you want to enter then email us your names (driver and navigator) and car.
If you're going to be running as NE then please indicate if you'd like slightly harder non-championship nav.

We want a full entry of 12 cars+ so please get your entries in now.
Entries will be on a first come first served basis but PC eligible crews will get priority over NE crews in the usual way.
We also need a couple of marshals, so let us know if you're available to marshal as well.
We're also looking for a course closer to go round and collect all of the boards.

David & Andy