Wessex Motor Club Old Fart's 12 Car Results

Old Fart's 12 Car (12 Car)

11 0 Tom Jenkins Phil Kendall Ford Escort E 142 Wessex 
22 2 Steve Barnard Jonah Nuttgens Dolomite Sprint E 245 Wessex 
33 1 Paul Swindells Andy Coshan Pug 309 Gti E 1439 Wessex 
41 10 Chris Freeman John Broughall VW Golf N 1744 Southsea / CSMA 
52 7 Zip Paul Lettington Honda CRX N 2138 Wessex 
63 6 Mark Bonner Gary O'Grady Ford Modeo N 2147 Guildford 
74 4 Toby Jeffries Dick Howatt Vauxhall Nova E 2862 Wessex 
84 8 Graham Yates Richard Arnold Pug 205 Gti N 3341 Southsea 
95 6 Jon Taylor Gordon `The Hat' Bushell Pug 309 Gti N 4551 Wessex 
106 12 James Youell Peter Shoolingin-Jordan Pug 205 Gti N 4756 CSMA 
115 5 Carl Gibbs Lizzie Pope Pug 205 TD E 5443 Wessex 
126 3 Oily Smith Susan Broughall Pug 309 Gti E 9430 Wessex 
DNF 11 Andy Stevens Hannah Cobb Rover 400 N Southsea 

Organiser's Comments

Well done to everyone for getting round safely and thanks to all of the competitors for turning out and making the event worthwhile. Well done to Tom and Phil for their second win in two years making sure they keep hold of the trophy, they just beat Steve/Jonah into second, who proved unlucky again. Novice went to Chris and John despite them not meeting till the start of the event. Oily and Susan had trouble with their lights before TC3 and managed to cut to the finish!, Zip/Paul and Jon/Gordon swapped to novice half way through and Andy/Hannah went home with mal de driver.

And finally, a BIG THANK YOU to all the marshals without whom we wouldn't have managed to man all of the controls.