Wessex Motor Club PC3
PC3 is the first 12-car of the season. The route will cover the familiar (to some) roads of the bottom right of map 185. Navigation will be simple and fun so everyone should be able to solve the route. There will be special Old Fart navigation available, written by Nick Clarke, if anyone wants it. As this is the first 12 car of the season RUC entries will have priority over everyone else and places will be allocated as follows. RUC/RUC, RUC/PC, RUC/NE, PC/PC,PC/NE and last, but not at all least, NE/NE. Signing on will be from 6.00pm at the Union. This event has a remote start, just by Marwell Zoological Park (Ref: 503 214), with the first car leaving at 7.31pm. If you can't compete, please come out and marshal: the rally can't run without you! Chris and Chris