Wessex Motor Club PC1 Results

PC1 (Scatter)

1 Tom Jenkins Andy Coshan Ford Escort NE 65
2 Gordon Bushell Steve Barnard Triumph NE 61
3 Pete Steve Azzopardi Sunbeam NE 58
4 Dick Howatt Jeremy Organ Land Rover NE 56
5 Paul Swindells Takashi Takeuchi Dolomite NE 55
6 Paul Jonathan Zerihan Vauxhall Cavalier NE 52
61 Tom Adler Olly Riley Land Rover PC 52
8 James Sally Sunbeam NE 50
92 Phil Kendall Dan Tape Vauxhall Nova PC 49
9 Jonah Nuttgens Sion Vauxhall Nova NE 49
11 Simon Steve P Vauxhall Cavalier NE 48
113 Ashley Cromack Nick Henry Volvo PC 48
134 Bob Wisniewski David Eastham Vauxhall Nova PC 46
145 Andy Cox Ross Dyter Ford Cortina PC 42
1561 Andrew Davis Iain Back Vauxhall Astra RUC 36
1672 Alastair Slater Ed Simpson Mini RUC 35
1783 Diccon du Pre Pip Clode Ford Orion RUC 34
1894 Mike Ellis Russ Borthwick Peugeot RUC 30
1894 Dave Waller Darren Gregory Mini RUC 30
2011 Tim Holden John Young VW Golf PC 22

Organiser's Comments

Well done to Andrew Davis and Ian Black in the Astra who were first in the newcomer's RUC category. They scored 36 points however 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the RUC were only separated by a 1 point margin.

Tom and Olly were first in the PC. They enjoyed a comfortable 3 point win over Phil and Dan whose tree felling on route to the finish did not affect their chances of visiting more route checks.

Tim and John in the red Golf were unlucky to experience starter motor problems at CMA and would have come fourth above Dave(alias Freddy Star or Honey Monster) and Darren in the Mini and Mike and Russ in the Pug 205 had they arrived at CMB 3 minutes earlier.