Wessex Motor Club PC1 Results

PC1 (Scatter)

1 Tom Jenkins Andy Coshan NE 70
2 Jonah Nuttgens Dick Howatt NE 63
3 Steve Crisp Steve Porter NE 50
41 Phil Kendall David Philips PC 47
52 Ashley Cromack Chris Field PC 46
631 David Coles Elly Pryce RUC 44
74 Paul Lettington Colin Davis PC 43
852 Chris Thomas Richard Sinden RUC 40
963 John Thompson Ben Paddick RUC 39
963 Rob McMillan Jeff Scott RUC 39
118 Andrew Davis Iain Back PC 35
1295 Max Sheppard Simon Burvill RUC 34
13106 Phil Slater Ross Pinnuck RUC 33
1411 Chris Raven John Wrighton PC 32
15 Richard Phillips NE 31
15127 Darren Tomes James Read RUC 31
1512 Steve Hills Bob Wisniewski PC 31
18 Paul Swindells Lucy Graham NE 30
19148 Olly Smith Ben Smith RUC 28

Organiser's Comments

Congratulations to Phil and Dave. Dave obviously enjoyed navigating for last year's PC champion and hopefully he can find an RUC driver for the next event to try and win both championships this year! Also, a special mention to David and Elly setting a high standard for the RUC championship this year, surprisingly without visiting any three point route checks.

Steve Hills and Bob Wisniewski may have scraped a win had it not been for being off road for half the event and therefore not reaching CMA. Olly and Ben seemed to visit a lot of route checks but didn't have the right answers and were therefore unlucky not to have achieved a higher score.

If you didn't understand any of the clues or any other part of the event join us for the pub trip on Thursday and we'll go through a set of clues on an individual or group basis - all the special discount price of a pint!