Wessex Motor Club Events

This page gives details on the Road events that are run by Wessex Motor Club. Details on External Events can be found here


Event Date Type Map(s) Organiser(s) Links
Championship Event PC1 20/10/2022 Scatter 185 Susan Broughall Info Results, CMA Clues, CMB Clues, Start Clues, Post Event Report, Finals  
Championship Event PC2 03/11/2022 Scatter 185, 196 Nick Clarke, Mike Saywell Results, Finals, Clues  
Championship Event PC3 17/11/2022 12 Car 185 Chris Knott Entry List Info Results, Finals  
Championship Event PC4 01/12/2022 Scatter 185 David Curd, Gareth Lewis Info Results, Corrected Finals!  
Championship Event PC5 15/12/2022 12 Car 185, 196 Christopher Finch, Marlon Tucker Entry List Results  
Championship Event PC6 12/01/2023 Scatter 185 Roger Buckingham, Richard Castanheira  
Championship Event PC7 09/02/2023 12 Car 185, 186 Rupert Goodman, Toby Jeffries  
Championship Event PC8 23/02/2023 Scatter 185, 184 David Coles  
Championship Event PC9 09/03/2023 12 Car 185, 186, 196, 197 Andy Garrett  
Championship Event PC10 23/03/2023 Scatter 185, 186