Wessex Motor Club Summer Scatter

30th Annual Summer Scatter, Sunday 8th May 2011

It is with the greatest pleasure that we invite members of the Wessex Motor Club, both past and present, to take part in the fun and thrilling event that is the Wessex Motor Club's 2011 Summer Scatter.

Click for event poster

The Summer Scatter is a 5 hour daylight navigational scatter, set specifically as a fun and light-hearted event that everybody can enjoy, and is contained entirely on OS Landranger map 185 (which will be available if needed at the start).

It will take place on Sunday 8th May (not the bank holiday weekend as in previous years) meeting at Broadlands Carpark (University of Southampton) from 1400h for a 1500h start and finishing at 2000h at a pub somewhere on route.

There will be three different classes running: Beginners, Novices and Experts, with awards presented to the top in each class.

We would like to see as many people out as possible, past, present and possible future WMC members, although you are reminded that this is primarily a FUN event - anyone taking it too seriously will be laughed at, and probably soaked!

Some things you might need:

  • A Driver (you or a friend)
  • A Navigator (a friend or you)
  • Some passengers - optional, but they can be helpful in solving clues etc.
  • A car! (ideally with a full tank before the start
  • Some soft pencils (2B)
  • A rubber
  • A calculator

For anyone new to motorsport, this page describes what a Scatter is, and for how you do one, take a look at this quick guide here. For further details, contact the committee.

A romer and a map will be available to purchase at the start. It is also recommended to have a full tank of fuel, but there will be plenty of time to get fuel during the event.

Don't worry if you've never seen a map or plotted references before, there will be plenty of experts on hand to help and explain things, with no shortage of anecdotes of how not to do it.....

The finals, and all details given on the website with regards to the Wessex Motor Club's 30th annual Summer Scatter event are provisional and subject to change by the officials.